
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

MCPS: General Legal Expenses hit $1.3 Million in FY16.

(*subtitle: Remind me again why the Board of Education hired a General Counsel?)

Non-special Education Legal Expenses

The total charges for non-special education legal expenses in June 2016 were $108,645.
The year-to-date total of $1,327,062 is $314,268 (31.0 percent) more than the same period
in the previous year. The non-Capital Improvements Program year-to-date portion totals
$1,105,427. This is $320,837 (40.9 percent) more than the same period in the previous year.

The Carney Kelehan bill for June 2016 totaled $81,881. The largest amount, which was for policy
matters, totaled $38,797, the largest part of which related to Board appeals ($23,773). The next
largest amount was for facilities matters ($22,879), which is charged to the capital budget.
The amount for personnel matters totaled $18,533, the largest part of which related to general
personnel matters ($11,102). The amount for financial matters totaled $1,444. The amount
for procurement matters totaled $228.

The Hogan Lovells bill for June 2016 totaled $8,178. The entire amount was for policy matters.
The Venable bill for June 2016 totaled $8,665. The largest amount, which was for policy matters,
totaled $6,752, all of which related to Board appeals. The next largest amount was for personnel
matters ($1,913).
Charges in June 2016 for court reporters, hearing officers, and other legal services totaled $9,921.
The largest amount, which was for policy matters, totaled $5,748, the largest part of which related
to Board appeals ($4,763). The amount for collective bargaining matters totaled $4,173.


  1. Krew's private agreement to deny Special Needs Families appropriate services, saving the county money, is why MCPS just keeps extending Krew's contract and not bidding it out. Is that even legal??? As a former foreclosure attorney, Krew has no problem wrecking children's lives and futures in order to make a buck. The County should be ashamed.

  2. The county should be more than ashamed, they are the one's who hire Krew!!!


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