
Friday, September 2, 2016


Montgomery County legislators are trying to pass a zoning amendment without any input from the public. Crown Castle is looking to erect small cell towers (under 30 feet) in public rights-of-way. Montgomery County is helping Crown Castle by amending its zoning laws making it unnecessary for Crown Castle and other companies to obtain the permits and permission currently required by the County Office of Zoning and Hearing (OZAH). These rights-of-way are in our yards, on our property! If this amendment passes, they can erect these towers anywhere. There are currently 120 antenna applications before the county.
The county is looking to profit from Crown Castle—at the expense of residents and their property, property values, safety and noise concerns. There is a "closed hearing" on September 12 at 2:00 PM to discuss this with the Planning, Housing and Economic Development. The public can appear at the meeting to show their disapproval of this amendment. If residents show up in number, we will show the legislators that we are against this tactic and this amendment. (View the amendment here.)
Please sign this petition to let Councilmember George Levinthal, Councilmember Nancy Floreen (who is up for re-election) and Councilmember Hans Riemer know you're don't want cell towers on your property, on your street or in your neighborhood.
For more information, visit this link.

1 comment:

  1. Is it true that the zoning amendment exempts Takoma Park?


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