
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Time Magazine: Screens In Schools Are a $60 Billion Hoax

The screen revolution has seen pedagogy undergo a seismic shift as technology now dominates the educational landscape. In almost every classroom in America today, you will find some type of screen—smartboards, Chromebooks, tablets, smartphones. From inner-city schools to those in rural and remote towns, we have accepted tech in the classroom as a necessary and beneficial evolution in education.

This is a lie.

Tech in the classroom not only leads to worse educational outcomes for kids, which I will explain shortly, it can also clinically hurt them.

Entire article at:


  1. I love tech... but I agree completely that tech in the classroom results in LOWER academic outcomes. It's way past time that schools focus on CONCEPTS and not rote aided by the use of calculators. Computers and calculators have there place, but not when teaching math and science concepts. At home, its always a "calculator-free zone" when it comes to homework. Focusing on concepts and just having fun with math some of the things that have allowed our child to excel in AP Calculus and Honors Physics, for example.

  2. Kids are PLAYING GAMES on these cheap Chromebooks.
    21st century learning is weapons of MASS DISTRACTION

    1. That's what the MCPS Board of Education wants. Remember, our school system invested $500,000 in this company and gets royalties from sales of the Amplify equipment. MCPS is all about pushing tech on kids for profit. Where do the royalties from this tech deal go? How is the money used? Why did Superintendent Jerry Weast make this deal behind closed doors?
      Our Board of Education doesn't want to know any details. They are super happy with the back room deals made by superintendents and could care less how those decisions impact children. That's the MCPS Brand!

    2. Nope. That's what the VOTERS want. The MCPS Board of Education is ELECTED.


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