
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tonight: Community Mtg to Discuss Demo of School and Field for use as Bus Parking Lot 6:30 PM Bauer Drive Community Rec Cen

Ewing school and field
Community meeting in opposition to putting a school bus depot at 14501 Avery Road in Rockville, MD. 
As you may know, this would result in the demolition of a school (The Blair Ewing Center) and a park (The Mark Twain Athletic Fields), snarl traffic along the Norbeck Road/Route 28 corridor, and cause severe environmental damage to Rock Creek Park.  It would also waste MCPS's resources that could be better spent on schools and reducing the number of portables currently in use.  Indeed, Montgomery County may well lose money on relocating the current bus depot from Crabbs Branch Way in Derwood.

County Executive Leggett has not released the details of his bus depot relocation plan yet, but we have heard through various channels that the Avery Road site is still very much in play.  We intend to fight putting bus depot on Avery Road, and demand real smart planning instead.

The meeting is being held by 
CAARD (the Coalition Against the Avery Road bus Depot), and will be held on 
Thursday, September 8, from 6:30 – 8:00pm at:
    The Bauer Drive Community Recreation Center
    14625 Bauer Drive
    Rockville, MD 20853

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