
Monday, October 10, 2016

.@mocoboe spends $26,459 in July 2016 Fighting Families of Kids with Disabilities

Special Education Legal Expenses

Special education legal fees for outside counsel for July 2016 totaled $26,459, and the entire
amount was for services by Jeffrey A. Krew. The year-to-date total of $26,459 is $24,613 more
than the same period in the previous year.

After spending 58% more in FY16 on special education legal fees for outside counsel than the Board of Education did the year before, the Montgomery County Board of Education is off to another high-spending start in FY2017.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, it is becoming clear that the new superintendent and his legal staff are not very interested in changing the MCPS culture that opposes parents who strongly advocate for their special needs children.


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