
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Remember Marc Elrich's Statement about MCPS Audit? Let him know you remember what he has forgotten. #2016StateAudit #MCPS

May 2016 Elrich on Facebook
Today on Facebook, Montgomery County Councilmember Marc Elrich says no one ever talked to him about when the 2016 Legislative State Audit of MCPS would be discussed by the Council.

But, of course, we did. Council's Education Comm. will Take Up State Audit of MCPS while You are on Vacation: Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland

The County Council did not take up the State Audit of MCPS in August. 

In fact, they held the Audit until after last week's election. That ensured that the public would not know about the Audit and would not ask the BOE members running for re-election why they let MCPS waste so much of their budget. 

Tomorrow, the Council's Education Committee will let MCPS and the Board of Education tell them why the State Audit of MCPS is to be shredded and should not be read. That's right, the Board of Education considers the State Audits to be useless and irrelevant to them.  That's why they, along with three state delegates, pushed for the law authorizing these audits to be gutted.

The County Council has done no analysis or review of the 2016 State Audit.  Read the "analyst packet" for tomorrow's Education Committee meeting. You will note there is absolutely no analysis of the State Audit at all! Council staff simply re-printed the Audit! Council staff is paid to cut and paste?  

1 comment:

  1. Marc Korman is one of those delegates who voted to hold the audit, and his name is being floated to run for county council now that the term limits will be in place in 2018. Let's not let the term limits and public financing go to waste. In 2018 pay attention!


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