
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Reminder: Zero Coverage of State Audit of MCPS, No Oversight from County Council

Today is November 3, 2016.

On May 19, 2016, the Maryland State Office of Legislative Audits released their 6 year audit of Montgomery County Public Schools.

As of today, the full Board of Education has not discussed this audit, the Montgomery County Council's Education Committee has not taken up this audit, and no commercial media outlet has reported on this audit.   

That's how we cover up bad news in Montgomery County.  Remember to vote for all the incumbents in Tuesday's election because it takes a lot of elected officials to keep a public audit of a $2.5 billion dollar public school system quiet.  

Not one single local or state elected official dares to make a public statement about the results of this public audit. All of them must be under a gag order to keep this audit from reaching the public.  If just one spoke up, it would be in the news, yet none have said a word.

Our current elected officials want another term to keep covering up waste, fraud and abuse in Montgomery County Public Schools.  Look at the great job they are doing now!

Here are links to the only coverage you will find of the 2016 State Audit of Montgomery County Public Schools:

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