
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

School official: Social media a bigger problem than gangs

Student posts on social media lead to a lot of fights in schools, according to a local school safety leader.
“We’re dealing with so many issues day in and day out, and acts of violence and students being attacked based on what’s out there on their social network,” said Wayne Ferrell, a cluster security coordinator for Montgomery County Public Schools.
At a meeting last week about gangs hosted by the group Safe Silver Spring, Ferrell said social media is actually a bigger problem than gangs.
He said the schools’ new, state-mandated Code of Conduct, combined with an influx of new students who fled violence in other countries, set up what looked like a “perfect storm.”...


  1. And I always thought that technology immersion levels the playing field for academic achievement.

    1. Why would you think that? Is that from listing to all the commercials from public school systems trying to justify no bid purchases of electronics to take the place of teachers?

    2. Correct, the marketers have done an excellent job selling their 'snake oil.'

  2. Gangs are a problem in some MCPS schools. These schools are not of the income level where MCPS feels it is a big enough problem to intervene.


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