
Monday, December 19, 2016

STOP Proposed Changes to Maryland's Community Pathways Waiver!

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) has proposed changes to the Community Pathways waiver which limit options and flexibility of services provided to our most vulnerable population, resulting in potential loss of existing programs and services.

(1) Eliminate access for disabled children under age 21 to critical disability services;
(2) Prevent individuals who receive day habilitation from opportunities to work or receive job training;
(3) Prevent individuals in Community Development services to receive sustained therapeutic activities, instructional classes, or job skills in ANY facility operated by a service provider;
(4) Limit essential behavioral support services for severely impacted persons with disabilities to an insufficient few hours per year, as a stand-alone service requiring a separate license; and
(5) Impose complex and burdensome billing procedures increasing the risk of errors and repayment claims.

A dedicated group of parents in the County provided DDA with specific recommendations and suggestions for the draft amendment #2, as solicited by DDA itself. These parents have reached out to DDA in person and in writing. However, to date no recommendations have been accepted by DDA. As currently proposed, amendment #2 will mean a more restricted day, with less choice of activities each day, for persons with disabilities in Maryland.

We are asking that DDA modify the draft amendment #2 to ensure:

(a) Services for children under 21 through the Community Pathways waiver to continue.
(b) A model of Adult Day services which allows people to choose a mix of varying hours of paid and/or volunteer work; therapeutic and/or instructional classes; and recreation, fitness, and social activities in locations of their choice.
(c) Funding for Adult Day services sufficient to provide enough staff support, transportation, activity expenses and facility costs.
(d) Critical behavioral supports to be integrated with other services, provided by service providers, and adequate to meet the urgent needs of people with intensive challenging behaviors.
(e) Documentation and billing procedures designed to ensure accuracy and efficiency (i.e., daily billing for a single service category).

The current DDA-proposed amendment #2 DOES NOT accomplish these objectives. The DDA needs to address the deficiencies in their draft; listen to the public comments which DDA itself solicited; and modify their proposal to better serve our most vulnerable Marylanders. Persons with developmental disabilities deserve to move forward not backwards.

Please CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION, which will be delivered to:
Bernard A. Simons
Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration

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