
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Breaking: Neelsville PTSA Says They Have No Position On Cell Tower, Contradicts MCPS Assertion to Tower Committee

Tower Committee Chair Stops Public from Speaking
On Wednesday, January 4, 2017, the Montgomery County Tower Committee approved a cell tower for the Neelsville Middle School playground based on MCPS staff's assertion that the proposal had been approved by the Neelsville PTSA. 

At the 12 minute mark in the video of the Tower Committee meeting you can watch as the Tower Committee Chair stops the public from speaking about the lack of community approval for this cell tower. 

Meanwhile, the Verizon representative is permitted to speak during the meeting without restriction. 

Below is today's Press Release from the Neelsville Middle School PTSA stating, in fact, they have not taken a position on this December 2016, Verizon application for a cell tower on the school's playground. 


  1. Voters had such high hopes for Jeanette Dixon. Another disappointment?

  2. The BOE has washed their hands of having anything to do with cell towers on school property. Although they are the owners of the land, they allow non-elected officials on their payroll to do their dirty work.


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