
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

F.A.C.E. Addiction Advocacy Day a Great Success!

F.A.C.E. Addiction Maryland would like to thank all of the advocates who participated in the Rally to End Addiction on Tuesday, January 31st in Annapolis. There were about 50 folks from across the state who listened to the legislative panel, where we showcased four bills and five initiatives proposed by members of our affiliated organizations.

We had a large group of over 20 advocates meeting with members of the House and Government Operations Committee (see pictures from the event at the end of this email), while a smaller group met with the Education Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee.



We would like to thank Delegate Seth Howard and his staff for reserving the Anne Arundel County Delegation Room for our legislative presentation.

We would like to thank Bracebridge Recovery Center for providing a very yummy spread for our breakfast reception. It was awesome!

We would like to thank Narconon Maryland for making sure that all of our legislative briefs were printed and in professional-looking green folders with our logo and info imprinted on a label on the front.

We would like to thank Recovery Partners Montgomery for renting a bus and bringing lunches for the advocates who were busy talking to their legislators.

All in all, it was a very motivating and inspirational day, and we met lots of new friends. Thanks to members of F.A.C.E. affiliates for participating --driving from far away places to attend (in alphabetical order): Heroin Action Coalition, Phoenix Rising, Project Hope, Recovery Partners Montgomery, S.O.U.L. Moms, The Addict's Mom, Voices of Hope for Cecil County, Worcester Warriors, and any others who were represented.

We will keep you posted as to the hearing dates for the bills that we were advocating for and hope to see everyone at the hearings to testify in support. 

Lisa Lowe
Director, Heroin Action Coalition
Member of F.A.C.E. Addiction Maryland

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