
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Independent Inspector General & Audit for Park & Planning and WSSC: Annapolis Update

The bill to establish an independent Inspector General for M-NCPPC and WSSC is long overdue. It was introduced by Del. Ben Kramer (District 19) and was voted out of committee, although three of our representatives, Kumar Barve (District 17), Anne Kaiser (District 14), and Charles Barkley (District 39), voted no and did not want to see it get out of committee.

We understand both agencies are opposed to this effort at some control and transparency and are working either to kill the bill or water it down. Members of the County Planning Board have stated their difficulty with this effort at transparency, so MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD IN ANNAPOLIS!

The bill information is here. The bill is MC/PG 110-17.

Please contact your House and Senate representatives and tell them we need a strong independent Inspector General for these agencies and independent audits. At the moment there is no oversight and little transparency at these agencies.

Also please contact Mike Miller, President of the state senate who has the ultimate say in whether a bill will pass. His email is:

To find your representative, go here.

Because local government matters too.


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