
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ask your state Senator to vote YES on SB 705 - a bill that will help people with low incomes, including people with disabilities, find legal representation when their rights under the Maryland Constitution have been violated by the State or local governments.

CALL NOW - Before the Vote!
Urge your Senator to vote YES on SB 705!
Disability Rights Maryland (DRM) has been working with a group of public interest advocates to protect your Constitutional rights - please help by making one phone call! Ask your state Senator to vote YES on SB 705 - a bill that will help people with low incomes, including people with disabilities, find legal representation when their rights under the Maryland Constitution have been violated by the State or local governments. 

For example, DRM sees cases of disabled people with no money who are isolated in state-run facilities, and vulnerable to abuse and neglect. SB 705 would allow a judge to decide that an attorney who successfully represents such an individual in state court to vindicate their Constitutional rights may receive reasonable attorney's fees. This would encourage more attorneys to consider representing low-income people in these cases, and would also deter the government from violating the rights of its most vulnerable citizens! 
Call and email your State Senator right away - the vote is tomorrow (Thursday) morning!
Tell your Senator:

I support SB 705. False arguments are being made to defeat this important bill. Don't be misled. This bill is about basic fairness and will NOT create "open season" for frivolous law suits. Vote YES on SB 705 to provide access to justice for your constituents.

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