
Thursday, March 30, 2017

MCPS superintendent declines to personally address safety concerns at Rockville High School #CraigRice #JackRSmith #HumanError

Councilmember Craig Rice and Superintendent Jack R. Smith shown in Fox5 video not responding to reporters question:


  1. Please Join Us: Rally For Accountability of MoCo Board of Ed
    When: Thursday, March 30th. Arrive at 5:15 pm.
    Where: In front of the Montgomery County (MoCo) Board of Education
    offices at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford
    Drive, Rockville.
    What: A rally to bring accountability and common sense back to
    Montgomery County's public schools following the recent alleged rape
    of a 14 year old freshman during the school day on school property.
    Come make your voices heard at the MoCo Board of Education meeting.
    Bring signs and a firm but calm demeanor.

    This is the first public meeting of the MoCo Board of Education since
    the horrible incident, yet the matter DOES NOT appear on the Board’s
    agenda. See the Board’s March 30th meeting agenda:
    The “open public comment” of the Board’s agenda starts at 6:10 pm but
    arrive early (by 5:15 pm).
    Speakers, media, community groups and new candidates for Montgomery
    County government will be present.

    1. "Bring signs and a firm but calm demeanor." Tolerate, accept, etc.?

  2. Good luck from a fellow education advocate from Baltimore County. When northern Virginia cracked down on illegal immigrants from 2005-2011, many illegals moved to Montgomery County where they knew they would be treated leniently
    because it is so lax on vetting illegal immigrants even those who commit felonies.Montgomery county breaks federal immigration laws and endangers the citizens that live there.If immigrants want to stay in the US they must become legal citizens.. These ILLEGAL ELL students are draining money away from your children who are citizens educational programs AND DILUTING THE QUALITY OF IT.BUT of course we live in a Democrat controlled state that needs immigrants legal or not to get politicians elected.

  3. As the County Churns:


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