
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Reminder: MCPS Security Cameras - "The cameras are really never monitored."

Council to Approve Fake Security for Schools - $5.8 Million: Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland


  1. There seems to be a dicrepancy:
    “How does MCPS monitor student safety in school buildings?
    All MCPS secondary schools are outfitted with an array of cameras in the hallways and central areas to ensure students remain safe. In addition, security staff are provided to all secondary schools to support school staff with monitoring student safety.  While elementary schools do not have designated security staff, they have access to school system security coordinators when necessary.”

    1. What is the discrepancy?

      MCPS doesn't say the cameras are monitored.

    2. By making the statement "to ensure students remain safe" they imply that they are monitored. However,the facts support a different conclusion.

    3. That's what parents want to hear. In Montgomery County, parents accept what they are told. These fake security cameras have been up for years and there has been no outcry from parents. How about MCCPTA? Any PTA? Crickets. Vote the Apple Ballot for more of the same.

  2. “One county resident suggested the school monitor its hallway cameras in real time, rather than using them mostly to examine incidents after the fact.“

  3. Can someone put in a freedom of information act request to obtain footage from security cameras?


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