
Friday, March 24, 2017

Smartphones Violate Safety Limits When Placed Against The Body: Schools Allow Cell Phones in Classes?

Montgomery County allows cell phones to be used in classrooms and on school buses. Where are children carrying these phones? Why isn't MCPS informing students and parents that this digital device used in classrooms as part of the educational curriculum emits radiation and should not be held close to the body.  

Watch this CBC investigation that aired on March 23, 2017 that found when cell phones were tested against the body, the radiation absorbed surpassed the safety limit.

Are MCPS students carrying cell phones in their pants pockets? Are teenage girls carrying cell phones in their bra or tucked in their stretchy pants? If so- they are getting radiation levels that are unsafe even according to our government standards.

 The  CBC Marketplace episode entitled “Berkeley's cellphone crusade ” with prize-winning reporter Wendy Mesley and featured Dr. Devra Davis, President of Environmental Health Trust and Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada and head of Canadians for Safe Technology. The five minute episode will be followed by a longer 30 minute CBC Report running Friday night at 8 pm on March 24, 2017.

“There are dozens and dozens of studies that we presented to Canada that show harm at levels below Canada’s guidelines” stated Frank Clegg pointing to the Safety Code Six review.

“Millions of children use cell phones and wireless devices every day.  Many carry cell phones in their jeans pocket tight against their body. Many women tuck cell phones in their bra or under their spandex pants. The public needs to be informed that cell phones violate already outdated so called safety limits tested in the ways they typically are used,” stated Devra Davis, PhD, MPH pointing out that “the American Academy of Pediatrics and Consumer Reports have issued recommendations that the public reduce exposure to cell phones along with over a dozen other countries.”

If cell phones placed near the body emit radiation levels that exceed safety guidelines- guidelines which are over two decades old and outdated- then what about laptops and tablet on the lap of school children?

Read this letter sent to the Department of Education last week by a parent asking twenty questions about cell phones in classrooms and wireless devices on the lap.

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