
Thursday, April 20, 2017

CNN: Where rapists can gain parental rights.(MD is one state and #MGA17 is OK with this. #Progressive)

(CNN) It's an almost unimaginable scenario: a victim of rape being forced to face her attacker over custody rights for a child conceived during an assault.
"Almost" is the key word, because it's a situation that can easily happen in states across the United States. The shorthand for this occurrence is often referred to as "parental rights for rapists," a phrase that's mind-boggling but accurate in its representation of the issue.
Without any legislation stopping a sexual assailant from claiming parental rights of a child, individuals are free and clear to pursue custody or visitation rights of their biological offspring..

1 comment:

  1. For it’s against the nature
    Of the part-time legislature
    To be concise with brevity
    And risk losing its longevity
    So we face the harsh realities
    Of latent legal technicalities.


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