
Friday, April 21, 2017

Disability Rights Maryland Legislative Report

DRM 2017 Legislative Report
During the 2017 General Assembly (GA) session, DRM followed about 140 bills on a range of topics. We focused substantial energy on a package of bills aimed at improving outcomes for young people with disabilities, and are very pleased to report that ALL of the bills have passed! Gubernatorial action is pending, and the bills are listed below. A hearty thanks to DRM's allies and supporters, legislators and other who helped achieve progress for people with disabilities in the 2017 session.

HB 425/SB 651
Strictly limits out of school suspension for children pre-K through 2nd grade, requires positive interventions and supports, and authorizes restorative practices.

HB 331/SB 786
Creates a task force to review and revise state regulations governing use of seclusion and restraint in schools.

HB 174/SB 710
Requires parental consent for specific Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team proposals (e.g. including restraint or seclusion on IEP, removing a student from diploma track) effectively shifting the due process burden of proof.

HB 287
Establishes the Commission on the School-to-Prison pipeline and restorative practices.

HB 456/SB 943
Mandates the State Department of Education to develop a dispute resolution process for families of children with disabilities and child care providers.

HB 279/SB 272
Grants continuing jurisdiction to the juvenile court in guardianship and child welfare cases involving foster youth with developmental disabilities transitioning to adult services at age 21, to ensure provision of ongoing supports.

Our  2017 General Assembly Report and complete list of bills DRM supported, opposed, followed or worked on can be found on DRM's Public Policy page.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful news! Parents who have yet to go through MCPS's horrible gauntlet will never know that their experience could have been even worst without HB 174/SB 710. Putting the burden of proof on the school system changes everything.


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