
Monday, April 3, 2017

MCPS: Teachers Can See Everything You Do on the Chromebook


  1. Fascinating! When will this actually be sent home to parents so we can review and sign it? How many MCPS students have been found to have "major offenses"? Does staff have to sign this too? How many of them have had "major offenses" by watching porn on MCPS property? The world will never know any answers because I bet MCPS doesn't track this and if they do they won't release it even under MPIA requests.

  2. Fascinating! When will this actually be sent home to parents so we can review and sign it? How many MCPS students have been found to have "major offenses"? Does staff have to sign this too? How many of them have had "major offenses" by watching porn on MCPS property? The world will never know any answers because I bet MCPS doesn't track this and if they do they won't release it even under MPIA requests.

  3. This "Contract" is yet to be sent to parents, a bit too late, we are now 3-years into the Chromebook roll-out!!! 3 questions for MCPS:
    1. If this really is a contract with the students and parents, why was parent input not sought during the planing of the roll-out and/or during the writing of the "Contract" so that it would actually address parents' concerns about screen time, privacy, and the impact on student health and social growth?
    2. What if parents do not agree and do not want their students staring at screens daily and all their info out there for Google?
    3. How does MCPS measure the success of this expensive tech initiative and where can we see the data?

  4. The guardians of the county
    Caused mutiny on the Bounty
    With their virtual reality
    Promoting a new normality.


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