
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Breaking: Board of Ed. Puts Cell Tower on Northwest HS in Violation of Own Policy

At yesterday's Montgomery County Tower Committee meeting MCPS staff put forward an application for a cell antenna to go on the roof of Northwest High School. 

The application was put forward in direct violation of the MCPS regulations requiring PTSA/community approval of these applications.

On May 9, 2017, during the Public Comment portion of the Board of Education meeting the Northwest PTSA made the BOE aware of MCPS staff's attempt to put this cell tower up without following MCPS regulations. 

The Montgomery County Board of Education was clearly aware of the proposal to put a cell tower antenna on top of Northwest High School and let their staff proceed with bringing this application before the Montgomery County Tower Committee for approval.  With the seal of approval from the Board of Education, the application to put the cell tower antenna on the top of Northwest High School was approved.

This will be the first cell tower antenna to be constructed on a MCPS school building and the first cell tower construction project to ever move forward with the consent of the Montgomery County Board of Education.

All previous cell towers that were constructed on MCPS property were done when Jerry Weast was superintendent and were constructed without a public presentation to the Board of Education.

2017:  The year the Montgomery County Board of Education turns public schools in the county over to cell tower vendors for commercial use, and the year that the Board of Education makes it very clear that parents and guardians are not partners in their local public schools.

Here's who to congratulate on this ground breaking move:

Michael Durso
Judith Docca
Jeanette Dixon
Shebra Evans
Patricia O'Neill
Jill Ortman-Fouse
Rebecca Smondrowski
Eric Guerci

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