
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

ICE blasts Montgomery Co. for releasing accused Einstein HS student despite immigration detainer

On Saturday, April 29, Mario Granados-Alvarado, 18, a citizen of El Salvador, allegedly broke into a Rockville police car, snagging a shotgun, AR-15 rifle and ammunition from the vehicle's trunk. The unmarked Chevy Impala was parked outside of an off-duty officer's house at the time of the overnight break-in.
AR-15 assault rifle
On Monday, May 1, a school resource officer assigned to Albert Einstein High School in Kensington, stopped Granados-Alvarado. The 18-year-old, who is enrolled as a junior at the public school, reportedly ran away while shouting, "I scared. I scared." Officers were ultimately able to handcuff Granados-Alvarado and later located the AR-15 in the trunk of a blue Mazda he had been driving.

ABC7 contacted Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner, Council Vice President Hans Riemer, Councilman George Leventhal, Councilwoman Nancy Navarro, Chief County Spokesman Patrick Lacefield and the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation seeking comment about why the county felt it necessary to disregard the request of a federal agency. As of Monday evening, ABC7 had not received a response.

Full story at:

ICE notice:


  1. So our 'Fearless Leaders' are bend on transforming MoCo into a Wild, Wild West theme park.

  2. Car 54 where are you?


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