
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Montgomery County Public School Security Employee Charged with Sex Offense

Detectives from the Montgomery County Police Department – Special Victims Investigations Division (SVID) have arrested Mike Anthony Lievano, age 21, of University Boulevard in Silver Spring, and have charged him with having inappropriate sexual contact with a 14-year-old Col. E. Brooke Lee Middle School female student while he worked as a security employee at the school.  Montgomery County Public School administrators placed Lievano on administrative leave as soon as they learned of these allegations.
On Thursday, May 4, SVID detectives were notified of the allegations.  Detectives interviewed the victim who told investigators that she and Lievano communicated via text messages and started dating on March 29, 2017.  During that time, Lievano engaged in inappropriate sexual contact with the victim at her home and at his home.
On May 5, Lievano was interviewed by detectives and made admissions relating to the allegations.  Detectives continued to investigate and a warrant was obtained for Lievano’s arrest, charging him with sexual abuse of a minor, a third-degree sex offense, and fourth-degree sex offense.  Lievano turned himself in to investigators late last night and was transported to the Central Processing Unit.  He is being held on a $10,000 bond.
Anyone who believes that his/her child may have been victimized by Lievano in a similar way should call the Special Victims Investigations Division at 240-773-5400.


  1. Standard MoCo reactionary protocol:
    "Anyone who believes that his/her child may have been victimized. . ."

    1. Thank goodness. There is nothing "standard" about this press release. This is a new way of handling these arrests.

      The police are finally putting out press releases on arrests (that did not used to happen) and are providing contact information for other victims.

    2. Correct, but if the 'proper officials' had done their job, to weed out these characters, there would not have been a need to go this route in the first place .

    3. If you imagine that all of these cases can be screened out, share the secret with the rest of the world. What actually needs to happen is that MCPS and the Board of Education need to follow through on supervisions, education and oversight of their employees. Both have failed to do this which contributes to a proliferation of these cases.

    4. Hurrah, hurrah good news today
      They caught one who went astray
      Alas short lived will be the joy
      The loopholes will spoil the day.

    5. “Birds of a feather flock together”
      ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

    6. ". . . education and oversight of their employees."
      And how do you propose educating them?

    7. The whole spectacle is a well orchestrated façade in order to impress the serfs.
      Arbitrary, random and selective law enforcement is the modus operandi in MoCo.

  2. Point the finger at the lack of leadership from Dr. Zuckerman. He is supposed to be in charge of security. He is completely lost. Need evidence, watch him at the board meetings when he is asked a question. At the last meeting a BOE member asked him the date of a cell tower meeting. He said, "I'll have to get back to you." HE IS THE ONE WHO APPROVES CELL TOWERS!!!! HOW does this guy STILL HAVE A JOB?

    1. Point the finger at the voters. Zuckerman works for the elected BOE. Elections are coming up.

  3. The Board of Education knows exactly how to educate employees. They have hired consultants, purchased lessons and changed policies. The only problem is they have to supervise employees to see that the education is actually implemented. So far, they have not done that. If the BOE wants to change the culture of MCPS, they are going to have to take action.

    1. And it shows:

  4. Just as an FYI, the BOE only has one employee and that is the superintendent of schools. All other employees report to the superintendent. Dr. Zuckerman is a deputy and reports directly to the superintendent.

    1. FYI - watch a Board of Education meeting and see the Board members raise their hands at the hiring of every administrator, then listen to the clapping.

    2. That is just a formality. The administrators are hired by the person they report to. The BOE only has 1 employee and they can't even fire him/her. The state BOE has to do that. Trust me.

    3. You don't even have a name, nothing to trust. The Board of Education is elected to set the public school budget. THEY decide how many administrators to have and how many layers of administrators to have. They set the system up. Everyone is their employee because they pay all of their salaries. The Board of Education is responsible for how the public school system is run. They set the budget, set the policies and decide the direction.

    4. fyi, the superintendent is hired by the BOE. The voters hire the BOE. The BOE can hire that person. The BOE can write the contract. The BOE hires the search firm (same one repeatedly, BTW.) The previous BOE had it in his contract that he could hold another job while superintendent. We also had to pay for his home office. lots of perks. That is up to the BOE. er, I mean up to the voters who re-elect these people.

    5. Sadly, the voters, aka lemmings, are either not informed or have a short memory span.
      The facilitators do such a great job stating each elected official's position that
      no one knows with certainty who stands for what.

  5. MCPS must have relaxed their hiring standards reference school security officers. There was a day when an applicant had to have some police experience or substantial experience in security. How could a 21 year old meet those qualifications.

    In addition there are no background checks. None. The only requirement is that the applicant be fingerprinted and then that MAY reveal that he has been arrested before. No contact with aquaintences, family, former employees which may reveal predictive behavior.

  6. Bureaucratic apathy
    Empowering the staff
    Creating confusion
    Mixing wheat and chaff.

    1. Not bureaucratic apathy. VOTER apathy. Don't vote? It's still your $2.5BILLION.


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