
Monday, May 1, 2017

Tonight Join BOE as they Meet with Principals to Discuss Restorative Justice #OpenMeeting #OffCamera

Montgomery County Board of Education and Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals Board of Directors 

May 1, 2017 
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. 
30 West Gude Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, Maryland 20850 

AGENDA Purpose: This semiannual meeting of the Board of Education and the Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals (MCAAP) is an opportunity for the parties to become better acquainted and to discuss issues of mutual interest. Desired Outcomes By the end of this session, we will have—
• discussed impact of restorative practices and other alternatives to suspension on the culture and climate of schools; and
• reviewed Board of Education’s current vision of collaboration as it relates to the Professional Growth Systems, Operating Budget, and Professional Learning.

What How Who Time Dinner and Conversation Share Group 5:30-6:00 Opening Remarks • Welcome & Introductions • Review/approve agenda • Provide context to the meeting Present Mr. Michael Durso President, Montgomery County Board of Education Mr. James Koutsos President, MCAAP 6:00-6:10 Restorative Practices & Alternatives to Suspension Present Discuss MCAAP Leadership Groups 6:10–6:40 Vision for Collaboration Present Discuss MCAAP Leadership Groups 6:40–7:10 Closing Remarks and Meeting Evaluation Present Discuss Mr. Durso and Mr. Koutsos Group 7:10–7:30

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