
Sunday, July 16, 2017

NPR: "There are a growing number of parents that are concerned about selling out our school grounds to telecom companies," says Lisa Cline of Gaithersburg, Md.

...But decades of scientific research have not established a firm connection between cell towers and health issues. The study Cline participated in — 11 years ago — had no conclusive results.
Nevertheless, Cline is one of many parents who've organized in some communities to stop construction of cell towers on school grounds. Their motivation is not just driven by radiation — parents I spoke with have other concerns: the visual impact, worries about potential property devaluation and anxiety that kids might get hurt playing near them.
In June, Milestone backed out of plans for two cell towers in Prince George's County, following a contentious public forum. (Milestone's agreement with Prince George's County is one of more than 50 partnerships the company has in six states.)...

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