
Thursday, July 6, 2017

There currently is no criminal penalty for someone who has knowledge of child abuse and fails to report in the state of Maryland

The Parents' Coalition asked the Maryland Mandated Reporter Website if there were any criminal penalties for the failure of a mandated reporter to report knowledge of child abuse.  This means that the Montgomery County Board of Education and all MCPS administrators can have knowledge of child abuse and do nothing without fear of criminal penalties.  
Now you know why child abuse, including sexual abuse, of students can occur at such high rates in our public schools. The adults in charge of our schools are never, ever held accountable.  


July 5, 2017

Thank you for your question submission on BCAC’s Mandated Reporter Website regarding failure to report penalties in Maryland.
While there currently is no criminal penalty for someone who has knowledge of child abuse and fails to report in the state of Maryland, you may be subject to professional sanctions by licensing boards depending on your profession. Additionally, according to Maryland Family Law 5-705.2, if an individual intentionally prevents or interferes with someone making a report of suspected abuse (i.e. attempting to obstruct a report), they can be found guilty of a misdemeanor and if convicted, be subject to up to 5 years in prison, or a fine of up to $10,000, or both.

Baltimore Child Abuse Center
2300 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218


  1. ... And based on the leadership hierarchy there may never be one.

  2. Never be held CRIMINALLY accountable. They can still be fired and be sued in civil court by the victims.

    1. Union does not let them get fired and legislature has capped damages at $100k. The system is rigged.

    2. We have the political equivalent of a "temperature inversion" condition that has people trapped helplessly under it.

    3. Welcome to the Free State, anything goes. . .


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