
Sunday, August 13, 2017

“As a result of the school board’s failure to properly investigate, supervise and protect students in response to actual notice, it needlessly endangered students,” the complaint stated.

Family Sues MCPS After Silver Spring Teacher’s Conviction in Sexual Abuse Case
...According to the suit, MCPS is at fault because the system should have done more to address reports of Vigna’s sexual misconduct. The 2008 allegations resulted in a letter of reprimand, while the 2013 allegations prompted officials to remove Vigna from the classroom for three weeks and reprimand him again, according to the suit. After the second report of inappropriate conduct, he was transferred from teaching third-graders in a portable classroom to a fifth-grade class that was inside the main school building, where his supervisors could keep an eye on him, the complaint stated.
But they should have also taken other corrective steps, such as firing Vigna, giving him a long-term suspension or shifting him to a position that didn’t involve interaction with students, according to the plaintiffs...


  1. . . .And they waited until the criminal case was prosecuted successfully in order to maximize the outcome.

    1. More bullying. Thanks for confirming the Montgomery County mindset that attacks victims. Pedophiles get free reign over public school children, teachers and community members bully victims, and the County Council and Board of Education look the other way.

      Your comment shows how completely ignorant you are of civil cases. They do not happen overnight, they can take years to get through the courts. It does not matter when the case was filed or if the trial had completed or not. It is only your victim bullying mentality that goes after the victim and gives the convicted a free ride.

      Let's hope that other victims step up to stand up for their right to attend public school without sexual harassment or attack.

      It is time to shut down the victim bullying/shaming that is so prevalent in Montgomery County.

    2. I believe you are barking up the wrong tree!
      I was told by a criminal defense attorney that one has a better chance winning a civil case if it is filed after the criminal case.
      Case in point O. J. Simpson.

    3. Since you brought it up, my daughter was bullied so much when she attended Westland Middle school that I was forced to home school her. I took the issue up the chain, all the way to the Maryland Judiciary Committee. Here is the 'lip service' response I got:
      "I was not satisfied with the letter that Superintendent had written regarding your daughter and her situation. I feel we need stronger regulation and standards concerning bullying and intimidation. Unfortunately, I do not see how I am in a position to rectify what happened to your daughter. My heart goes out to you. I understand how painful it has been to you as parents to see your child suffer. I will continue to press for changes in the law and the way we treat issues of bullying and intimidation. I regret that I cannot do more at this time. I understand your frustration."

    4. No. Correct tree. Where have you supported the victims? Where have you demanded the Board of Education members that did this resign? Where have you demanded accountability from the County Council? Where are the rest of your comments congratulating this 12 year old for taking the stand in a public courtroom, in front of dozens of MCPS staff and family who supported this perpetrator, and for her continuing fight to end the Board of Education practice of leaving pedophiles in classrooms?

    5. I have been fighting behind the scenes against MCPS et al since 2001.

    6. @2:05 Here is the response you got from WHO? NAME NAMES. Quit covering up.

    7. By now it's water over the dam.
      The response was from Luiz Simmons
      referring to Jerry Weast's letter.

    8. Read today's blog post of the complaint filed after the Vigna case. It is not water over the dam.

      It is the silence of parents that is keeping these administrators in place. There has been a pattern in place for decades that has violated Title IX. Speak up, or accept the continuation of the current practices.

      The Board of Education lives for parents that work behind the scenes. If parents never speak up, the Board of Education controls the publicity and nothing ever changes.

    9. Can you be more concise?
      Whom are we supposed to speak up to?
      I confronted the principal.
      I confronted the superintendent of schools.
      I confronted the Montgomery county council.
      I confronted the Maryland house of delegates.
      I confronted the judiciary committee.

    10. Which principal? Which superintendent? Who at the County Council? Who specifically at the house of delegates? Who specifically on the Judiciary Committee? Please let us know. I have found one good way to get attention is to go to each of those people's FB pages and say what is going on. Be specific. Most times their constituents don't have a clue and will be interested in what is going on and what their elected are supporting. In this case, they are supporting pedophilia at MCPS.

    11. Go to these electeds' FB pages and post the details. Likely their constituents have no idea they are supporting pedophilia in MCPS. Get it out there.

    12. The central issue is that the elected leaders are a reflection of the society they represent.

    13. Agreed. So is shelter for pedophiles what we want in MCPS? Because that's what we have. Elections are coming.

    14. "Officials running for office need to win the favor of the people in order to get elected. An obvious way to do that is to present a platform that is in the interest of the people. While it takes that much work to earn votes, it gets easy to throw away promises once seated. Politicians can be like that and it is disappointing for the citizens who voted for them because they were duped into believing that particular official had their best interests in mind."

  2. Why isn't this on the news? Why do we have to hear about Taylor Swift being touched and not children in our own community being molested? I saw very little in this and three days of her! Why isn't it out there?

    1. In Montgomorrah county we are treated like mushrooms.

    2. African-Americans have been tasered to death here in Montgomery County, and that's not in the news either. Why? because the county spends an enormous amount of money on PR. If you challenge the "progressive" county councilmembers, you are called racist and anti-Semitic. Plus, Marty Baron.


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