
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Breaking News: Lawsuit Filed Against Montgomery County Public Schools for Child Sexual Abuse by John Vigna

Lawsuit Filed Against Montgomery County Public Schools
for Child Sexual Abuse by John Vigna

WHAT: Jeff Herman, a nationally recognized attorney for victims of sexual abuse,
announces the filing of a lawsuit against MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC
SCHOOLS (MCPS) for child sexual abuse by JOHN VIGNA, a teacher at
CLOVERLY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Silver Spring, Maryland. VIGNA was
recently convicted and sentenced to 48 years in prison.

According to the Complaint:
• In 2008, Vigna was caught putting little girls on his lap two times in his fifth grade class
and was reprimanded.
• In 2013, Vigna was caught again putting a little girl on his lap in his fifth grade class.
After an investigation Vigna was reprimanded again and transferred to a third grade class.
• In 2013, Vigna was Jane Doe’s third grade teacher. Vigna groomed Jane Doe and began
putting her on his lap daily during lunch and movie time. Vigna sexually assaulted Jane
Doe by fondling her buttocks and vagina over her clothes and rubbed his erect penis
against her.
• Vigna directed Jane Doe to visit him in his classroom during lunch and dismissal time
when Jane Doe was in fourth and fifth grade. Vigna bought Jane Doe books from the
book fair and gave her candy. During these visits, Vigna continued to sexually abuse Jane
Doe and eventually began to digitally penetrate Jane Doe’s vagina.

JANE DOE v. Montgomery County Public was filed in Montgomery County.

“The school had red flags that John Vigna was not safe. This convicted pedophile
should not have been around these children.” said Jeff Herman, the attorney for the
victim in this case.

WHEN/WHERE: TODAY (THURSDAY), August 10th, 2017 at 1:30 pm  4 PM in front of
Montgomery County Public Schools
850 Hungerford Drive
Rockville, MD 20850

CONTACT: Krisel McSweeney;


  1. And our property taxes will go through the roof!!!

    1. Maybe if you had cared about children as much as you care about your taxes this lawsuit would have been avoided. Mr. Vigna should have been removed from contact with children years ago.

      Where was the outrage back in 2012 when the Maryland State Board of Education told the Montgomery County Board of Education to stop leaving suspected child abusers in classrooms?

      There was no outrage and the same elected officials that allowed these crimes to take place were re-elected over and over again.

    2. "Our property taxes"
      And, let's start a zero loophole campaign.

    3. You will have to convince Jamie Raskin, Brian Frosh, Kathleen Dumais and the rest of the Maryland legislators that live to keep loopholes in our laws.

    4. Our esteemed elected local officials don't fall far behind. They thrive on fabricating lame loopholes to cover up their ineptness and inaction.

    5. If you're worried about increases in your property taxes keep an eye on the county Charter Review Commission. They are likely going to try and get rid of the requirement, that we residents voted for, that the vote to raise taxes must be unanimous. These may seem like arcane issues to you but the end-up is, yes, your property taxes will go up. Link here:

    6. In other words, we should watch our taxes grow. . .

    7. No. In other words you should DO something. Not 'watch.' Wake the F up and DO something.

    8. Keep your shirt on!
      If it makes sense it's illegal!

  2. Your choice. Either care about children or pay the price for electing officials who do not care. You are the voter, you decide.

  3. It takes more than one vote to drain the swamp.

    1. That mentality is why public school children continue to be sexually abused while attending public school. Won't speak up, will you?
      Won't say a word?
      Won't report when a behavior is suspicious?
      Won't speak out about Jamie Raskin, Brian Frosh and the rest of the legislature that continued to pass legislation to give pedophiles a pass?

      No, you will not. It only takes ONE to call 911 or Child Protective Services, and no one in MCPS or on the Board of Education will do it.

      One is actually very powerful, if one CARES and WANTS to make a difference.

      Again, Montgomery County is NOT a community that cares about the welfare of children.

    2. Actually, my child was abused by a teacher and I did not find out about it until two years later. First, I confronted the school administration, but they used procedural excuses to defend themselves. Then, I sought the help of the so called authorities, but they too came up with a hideous excuse as to why they could not do anything about it.

    3. When the voters elect constitutional scholars, they should not expect them
      to engage in mundane intellectual arguments for they have loftier goals.

    4. No worries in Montgomery County. We do not elect any scholars.

    5. @6:33 PM Who did you contact? What "authorities" did you contact. Name names. Nothing will change unless people speak up.

    6. Check again, because you listed them in your earlier post.

    7. I went to the top.

    8. It only takes ONE person to call another person. and another person. and so on. I will never understand the sheep that live in this county who sit around while children are molested. DO something NOW. Elections are coming up. Do you really want these Board of Education members who enable pedophiles to be re-elected? Then right, do nothing. Just watch. and be grateful it isn't your child that was molested as your neighbors did nothing.

    9. There appears to be perpetual legal loopholes in the state law. Prosecutors only take cases if they are either high profile or feel confident that they can win them. Judges are lenient and politicians are intellectually challenged when it comes to fixing the loopholes. Grass roots organizations try in vain to persuade the lawmakers to do the right thing. Defendants are portrayed as model citizens, while victims are blamed for the crime. In short, the various players form a tag team that performs legal acrobatics at the expense of the victims. In the final analysis, the law becomes the primary obstacle to serving justice.

    10. See above as to the legislators that have put this process in place. It is the Defense Attorney's that rule the day in Maryland. They sit in the legislature and make the laws that create the system you describe. It's not the law that is the obstacle, it is the Judicial Proceedings Committee of the Maryland legislature.

      Appointed by Senate President:
      Robert A. Zirkin, Chair (410) 841-3131, (301) 858-3131
      Delores G. Kelley, Vice-Chair (410) 841-3606, (301) 858-3606
      James Brochin
      Robert G. Cassilly
      Michael J. Hough
      Susan C. Lee
      C. Anthony Muse
      Wayne Norman
      Victor R. Ramirez
      Justin D. Ready
      William C. Smith, Jr.
      Sandra L. Popp, Assistant to Chair

      Staff: Elizabeth C. Bayly; Jameson D. (Jamie) Lancaster; April M. Morton.

      Miller Senate Office Building, 2 East Wing
      11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1991
      (410) 841-3623, (301) 858-3623
      1-800-492-7122, ext. 3623 (toll free)
      fax: (410) 841-3850, (301) 858-3850

    11. Right, they are the "Strombolis" whole pull the strings behind the scenes.

    12. Our legal stellar scholars
      With button down collars
      Gongregate in Annapolis
      To squander our tax dollars.

    13. “We have been through this area of law a dozen times," Frosh said. "We don't have it right yet. We probably have some predators we aren't getting and some people in love that we are making predators of."

  4. @9:07

    The top? The top of what? The top of the food chain? the ladder? the mountain? What part of naming names do you not get? This is how the same people that permit these types of teachers to stay in classrooms keep their jobs. Hiding their names protects THEM, not children.

    NAME NAMES if you want children protected in Montgomery County.

    1. "In Maryland, State's Attorneys are independently elected officials and do not come under the authority or supervision of the Attorney General. The decision to prosecute a criminal case or not, lies within the sound discretion of the State's Attorney."

    2. So the dilemma is: Who checks the checkers?

    3. There is no dilemma. The public checks. If the public is happy with a school system that permits pedophiles to remain in public school classrooms for years, the practice will continue on into the future. Keep voting the Apple Ballot if you are happy with the results.

    4. I was referring to the 12:15 PM post.

    5. Arbitrary and random modus operandi.


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