
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Fox5: Ex-Montgomery County elementary teacher gets 48 years in sexual abuse case

 - A former Montgomery County elementary school teacher convicted of sexually abusing multiple female students has been sentenced to more than four decades behind bars.
John Vigna, of Silver Spring, was convicted on four counts of sex abuse of a minor and five counts of third-degree sex offense back in June.
After an emotional hearing, one in which the parent of one of Vigna’s victims called him a “soul murderer,” the 50-year-old was sentenced to 48 years in prison on Friday...


  1. What about those who harbored him?

    1. The principal, Melissa Brunson is still there. The Board of Ed members are still there. No change.

  2. What if a). The children are exaggerating with their testimony? I'm not saying that they in fact DID exaggerate, I asking are we absolutely SURE he PURPOSELY touched these children with sexual thoughts? B). Are we are over reacting as a society with his transgressions? Can't we have a more conservative approach to solving this problem with John Vigna? Can't we be both sympathetic/empathetic to the victims here as well as to the defendant? IF John is totally GUILTY here, can we not take a step back and try and give him some mercy, rehabilitation, hope for a renewed life with his wife and family? Or should our society give him the same sentence as someone that committed murder? At 50 years old, a 48 year sentence is basically life in prison. Gary Cullen

    1. Did you attend the trial?

      Mr. Vigna was given MULTIPLE reprimands. At least two reprimands were in writing. He signed off on those documents. He was given counseling, at least once if not twice. His coworkers REPEATEDLY told him to stop being so affectionate with his students. He was observed with little girls on his lap by the Fire Marshall and the Custodian who both reported these incidents to the Principal.

      By law, those incidents should have been reported to Child Protective Services for an investigation, but instead, exactly what you wanted to happen DID. MCPS followed their own approach and left him in the classroom with multiple opportunities over 15+ years to change his behavior.

      If Mr. Vigna had stopped these interactions with students, or if the Board of Education had removed him from the classroom, this trial would have never taken place. The adult victim would not have come forward now and the current victims would not even exist.

      Your approach was taken and the result is in the news.

    2. Scroll down the link above for notes from the 4 day trial. If you did not attend, read what was before the jury.

    3. Thus, MCPS and BOE, aka the enablers, are rewarded by continuing their business as usual.
      Next time this happens, we will have shocking breaking news and dramatic statements from the elected officials.

  3. What was Vigna's testimony? I can't seem to find all of the notes for Day 4 and Day 5.

  4. What will the actual years be?


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