
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Washington Post took 77 Days to Cover the MCPS teacher John Vigna Trial .@PostBaron @washingtonpost

Why didn't The Washington Post send a reporter to cover the trial of Montgomery County Public School teacher John Vigna while it was in progress?

When students are sexually abused in other public school districts does it take The Washington Post 77 days to report on the trials in those cases?

Today we see The Washington Post reporting on a civil trial involving the sexual abuse of public school students by a staff member/volunteer.  The coverage of the civil case is in real time as the case is proceeding.  The coverage gives details that show that public school administrators were warned about this perpetrator but did not report him to Child Protective Services or the police.  The failure to report lead to additional victims.  This case is in Prince George's County.

And therein lies the difference.  The Washington Post jumps on events involving sexual abuse of students that happen in Prince George's County, but dawdles on coverage of the exact same types of cases when they happen in Montgomery County.

Why?  Maybe The Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron would like to explain why the difference in reporting?

Remember Marty Baron is the Boston Herald Editor featured in the movie Spotlight.  Clearly he knows how to investigate and report on these types of stories.

Why no SPOTLIGHT on the sexual abuse of public school students in Montgomery County, Maryland?


  1. Let's see, the distance from the Washington Post to the Rockville Courthouse is 18 miles.
    Walking at three miles per hour, it should have taken the reporter six hours to get back.
    This alone does not explain the 77 day delay, so there must have been sinister forces at play.

  2. Because the people of Mont county care more about appearances and money than they do their own children. The teachers and principal and board members that condoned Vignas behavior are still working in the school. Tell me what message this is sending our children.

    1. Are you implying that the reporter lives in Mont county as well?

  3. How long did it take CNN to let the cat out of the bag?

    1. These are the people who have taken the oath:
      "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."


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