
Friday, September 22, 2017

Hogan balks at education plan required by feds

Gov. Larry Hogan will not sign a state education plan required in order for Maryland to continue receiving federal education funding.
Hogan, in a letter Tuesday to Maryland State Board of Education President Andy Smarick, blamed passage of a bill he vetoed for his decision to not sign the plan.
“Unfortunately, due to the decision of the Maryland General Assembly to overturn my veto of the misleadingly-titled ‘Protect Our Schools Act,’ I cannot in good conscience sign the state plan,” Hogan wrote in a letter the governor released Thursday to reporters. “I strongly believe that this misguided legislation dramatically limited the ability of the board to include the type of educational reforms anticipated by the (Every Child Succeeds Act), and therefore, I do not believe it represents enough of a positive step forward for Maryland students.”...

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