
Thursday, September 28, 2017

We Now Know the Board of Education has been Keeping Known Child Abusers in Classrooms for Decades. Will Parents Re-Elect Patricia O'Neill Again?

O’Neill Files To Run For Sixth Term on Montgomery County School Board: Bethesda resident could become longest-serving school board member in county history


  1. District 3 is known for incubating some rare human specimens.

  2. Glass enclosed classrooms for transparency?
    Just a thought.

  3. It's not so much keeping pedophiles in the classrooms its the refusal to hire professionals who know how to weed out the perverts before they are hired. Right now the school system doesn't have a clue how to do that.

    1. Sorry, maybe you have not been paying attention, but it actually is about keeping known sexual abusers in classrooms. The Board of Education has allowed known abusers to stay in classrooms for decades. This policy is well documented by the letters that the Board of Education gives to teachers telling them they can stay in classrooms, but they are not to touch the students or be alone with them! That is the Board of Education policy that has been detailed in multiple courtroom proceedings. Have you attended any of these public court proceedings? It might be time to educate yourself.


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