
Monday, October 23, 2017

Open Letter to Superintendent: MCPS has yet to correct the flaws, loopholes and shoddy implementation of the policy and regulations regarding child abuse and neglect.

From: jennifer alvaro 
Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:32 AM
Subject: Child Sexual abuse in MCPS
To: "Smith, Jack" , MCPS of Education
Cc: "Harris, Darlene M" , "Napoli, Sandra L" , "Gray, Martha M" , "Turner, Derek G" , Donna Hollingshead ,

Dr. Smith and County School Board Members,  

Please be aware over the past year,  despite numerous contacts with MCPS (in the form of  personal conversations with Dr. Smith, emails to Dr. Smith and email exchanges with MCPS staff, radio appearances with MCPS staff) MCPS has yet to correct the flaws, loopholes and shoddy implementation of the policy and regulations regarding child abuse and neglect. 

Two recent examples are presented here.   First, the Personal Body Safety Lessons are still not being implemented correctly in schools. One example is last week at Cloverly elementary school the counselor ran a parent meeting to discuss the PBSL.   The counselor  stated numerous times she only had to teach one lesson to each grade.  When a parent read the information below (supplied by your staff),  the counselor continued to assert she had the discretion to change the lessons as she sees fit.

It should be obvious to those who stay informed on this issue, if there is any school in the entire county who should be embracing teaching this program correctly, it should be Cloverly.   John Vigna was only caught due to a brave child reporting her abuse after taking this program.   As you know, MCPS did an internal investigation of his abusive behaviors in 2008, another internal investigation in 2013 and must have reviewed all the information again in 2015 after Dr. Starr's December memo to review all files for suspicious / abusive behaviors.  Yet, despite all that, Vigna was left in the classroom.   

In a school where victim blaming and shaming was rampant in meetings and court, it becomes even more critical for the PBSL and parent meetings to be run with compassion and with fidelity.  

I have asked you before, and I will ask you again, will you please immediately issue a directive to all school staff with specific instructions this program must be taught at all grade levels, every year?    The program itself has serious flaws (for example: at some levels it is a "one and done" which is not best practice, and it is not taught every year to every student as you state) but never the less, you do have clear proof it is keeping children safe.

A second glaring example of the way MCPS is handling abuse is this month alone, two MCPS staff members have been arrested for sexually abusing students.   One of them worked at Carderock Springs elementary school for over a year.   A letter went home to Carderock parents stating parents should share information they have with police.   No such letter went home to parents at Pyle Middle school where former Carderock Springs students are enrolled.  Don't parents of former students deserve to have this information so they may act? 

I have been asking since 2012 for these issues to be addressed appropriately and thoroughly.   I will continue advocating for the flaws, error, loopholes and mismanagement of this to be corrected.   Children are currently being left at risk and will suffer as a result of both your action & inaction.   

I welcome the opportunity to speak to you all further about these concerns. 


Jennifer Alvaro 

From: "Hollingshead, Donna"
To: jennifer alvaro 
Cc: "Napoli, Sandra L" ; "Harris, Darlene M" ; "Gray, Martha M" ; "Turner, Derek G"

Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 5:17 PM
Subject: RE: Follow-up to your Message to Dr. Smith
Good Evening Ms. Alvaro:
This message is in response to your email to Dr. Smith, in which you requested clarification regarding our personal body safety lessons (PBSL) at Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS).   As you are aware, in our effort to play an active role in preventing child abuse and neglect, MCPS staff members, in conjunction with partners, developed PBSLs to complement the Comprehensive Health Education curriculum.
As noted in the May 31, 2017 response letter to your Maryland Public Information Act request, counselors work under the direction of principals and in coordination with the Office of Student and Family Support and Engagement. They are provided with lessons that they are expected to use in their schools. However, as the December 8 memorandum titled “Action: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Personal Body Safety Lessons for Students” indicates, counselors in Grades 6-10 have the option of where to implement the lesson.  These options include during Health classes, other classes or in small groups.  I have spoken to Mr. Turner and he regrets if he misspoke during the phone conversation with the students.
Additionally, I would like to take this opportunity to provide a clarification to your reference of “the full 3 session curriculum.”  Included for your reference below is a chart of the PBSL lessons requirements by grade for the 2016-2017 school year.


  1. This issue must be on bottom of the priorities list.

  2. "the flaws, loopholes" For a moment I thought you were talking about our legislature.


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