
Friday, November 10, 2017

Apple Ballot Endorsed BOE Member Docca Uses "R word" at Public Meeting, Giggles, and Wants to Be Re-Elected

Board of Education member Judy Docca has just filed to run for another 4 year term on the Montgomery County Board of Education.

Judy Docca is an Apple Ballot (Teachers' Union - MCEA) endorsed candidate.

Is this the type of language the Apple Ballot wants to hear from our public officials in our public school system in 2017?


  1. This was utterly and completely unacceptable.

  2. Once again, Parents Coalition bias against MCEA is highlighted in this headline. I’m not excusing Dr. Docca’s choice of words, but why make this a MCEA/apple ballot thing?
    Respectfully, MCPS teacher Susan Loftus

    1. Bias? Are you serious? Exactly WHY is Judy Docca on the Board of Education? She is there because the teachers' union hand picked her, endorsed her and supports her campaign financially.

      Guess what? Docca is running for another 4 year term. Now, why do you think that is? That would be because she already knows that she will be the MCEA Apple Ballot endorsed candidate.

      You want students to take responsibility? Then adults need to take responsibility for their actions and Docca is there because the teachers want her there.

    2. When Judy Docca ran for Board of Education the MCEA Apple Ballot endorsed her without even interviewing the other candidates. She was their hand picked candidate from day one without any consideration of other candidates. This is the type of "leadership" that teachers want.

    3. Jeez, sounds like BCPS BOE. Never interviewed anyone but Verletta White.

  3. Poor MoCo taxpayers, the beasts of burden.

  4. I️ believe your statement regarding “hand picked candidate” is inaccurate. MCEA web site outlines the complete Apple Ballot endorsement process.

    1. Sorry. It is completely accurate. When Judy Docca was elected she was hand picked by MCEA - Apple Ballot. The other candidates for the position were not interviewed or even considered. Go read up on how the Apple Ballot has been run.

    2. The rank and file MCEA members have no say on the candidates and positions endorsed on the Apple Ballot.

    3. Whose fault is that???? They elect their representatives!
      What a lame excuse.

      Of course they have a say. It is their organization. They elect their representatives and their representatives act on their behalf.

  5. Really ? Using the word "retarded" to refer to herself is the WORST outrage ? Doncha think we might have a LOT of BIGGER problems in MCPS, like kids getting violently and sometimes sexually assaulted on school property ? While I don't konw Judy Docca's whole history, the PC word police need to be relegated to the ashbin of history.

    1. Sorry you aren't able to understand that the person that said this is one of THE people that is responsible for MCPS kids getting violently and sometimes sexually assaulted on school property.

      Wake up and figure out that the people that are sitting on the MCPS Board of Education could not give a flip about children. They don't care if they are assaulted, sexually abused or if they are called names.

  6. The Apple Ballot is open to every member of MCEA. They were/are contacted and asked to participate in the process. Anonymous’s (1/17/17 @ 4:42 PM) statement is completely inaccurate. The Apple Ballot process (interview process) has begun and is open to EVERY MCEA member. Any MCEA member can call or email MCEA [direct calls to the Political Action and Community Engagement (PACE) committee] to participate. The process is non-partisan and ALL MCEA members are welcomed (i.e., rank and file). Members were sent emails beginning in September. A third round of email invitations will be forwarded in January. PLEASE JOIN US!!


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