
Monday, November 27, 2017

Online payment portal fails to charge credit cards, MCPS asks parents to make transactions a second time

MCPS financial officers are asking those who made purchases on the Online School Payment portal Sept. 13 to Sept. 30 to re-enter their credit card information due to an error by the vendor, Online School Management Systems.
The problem arose after an OSMS employee accidentally switched the software into testing mode for an upgrade, causing the credit cards to not be charged even though the order requests went through. To compensate for the lost revenue, the vendor has since privately reimbursed the affected schools.
Though OSMS informed parents of the situations, many expressed skepticism of being asked to re-enter their credit card information.
“I got a bunch of calls from parents who were concerned about the possibility that it was a scam, asking if this was a legitimate email and something that they should be doing,” MCPS Administrator of Financial Operations Robert Reilly said...

1 comment:

  1. This is the work of Jack's hand picked CTO Pete Cevenini. He's also responsible for the parent portal debacle at the beginning of the school year.

    Office of the Chief Technology Officer:
    Mr. Pete Cevenini
    Chief Technology Officer


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