
Monday, November 20, 2017

"she said it as a joke and as a derogatory joke. So, that, I think, is worse,”

School Notes: Docca Apologizes for Using the Word ‘Retarded’ During Public Meeting
...Bethesda mother Gena Mitchell said the comment was “disappointing,” especially coming from someone who’s in a school system leadership position and sits on a committee that deals with policy for special-needs populations.
“She didn’t just say the R-word in reference to our children, but she said it as a joke and as a derogatory joke. So, that, I think, is worse,” said Mitchell, whose 15-year-old daughter has Down syndrome. “It’s not OK to make that population the brunt of a joke. … It hurts.”
Mitchell said she understands that people make mistakes, and elected leaders who are often in the public eye are no exception. However, she said the school board should have addressed the comment right away rather than waiting four months. Docca’s apology also sounded somewhat “flip” to Mitchell, since she didn’t direct it to the special-needs population or acknowledge the term’s impact, she added...
“Make us believe that it actually matters,” Mitchell said of the apology.

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