
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Today: No Discussion of Sexual Abuse of Students by MCPS Staff

Today is the annual meeting of the Montgomery County Board of Education and the Montgomery County Delegation (State Senators and Delegates). 

Below is the Agenda for the meeting. 

Noticeably absent from the Current Issues Agenda is any mention of the recent arrests of MCPS staff for sexual abuse of MCPS students in schools. 

The safety of public school children while under the supervision of MCPS staff is not even on the Agenda.

Apparently, these dozens of arrests and convictions are not of concern to our elected leaders. 

These are your elected representatives. 


  1. I think they transposed Zuckerman and McGuire. She has the knowledge and does all the talking. He... well... I'm not exactly sure what he does...

    Serious question here: Can anyone tell us what Zuckerman actually does? Please reply in the comments.

    1. McGuire has what "knowledge?" If you mean she knows how to cover up for MCPS, well yes. She has been doing that for years as staff for the County Council.

  2. It must be a taboo subject

  3. All the speakers are drs, but the theme is grey
    I've longing for a talk on a winters day
    I'd be safer and warm if I walked away.
    MCPS spinnin', on such a winters day.

  4. I've been to a lot of meetings and this is the shortest agenda I have ever seen, especially considering this is a once-a-year meeting. Pro Forma. The real meetings take place elsewhere, but this satisfies all you stupid voters.


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