
Monday, December 18, 2017

MD Education Support jobs have declined while district leader and supervisor jobs have grown at 10 times the rate of teacher positions.

Since 2007, Maryland Has Added Just 385 Teachers Despite Gaining 40,500 Students

...That important students-to-teacher ratio? It grew from 14.3 to 14.8. During the last decade, Maryland schools only added one teacher for every 105 students gained in enrollment.
But teachers only make up about half of all school employees in Maryland schools. What about school counselors? There are 44 fewer school counselors now than there were in 2007. That’s not the only important position that has seen real declines despite the state school system taking on 40,500 more students. There are 1,915 fewer support staff positions — building managers, secretaries, food service workers, bus drivers, and many other important roles that make our schools function — in public schools now than a decade ago.
Meanwhile, district central office staff continued to grow while school-level staff stagnated and declined. The number of superintendents, deputy superintendents, program directors, and supervisors in the 24 district offices increased by 109 from 2007 to 2016 — or 10 times the percent increase of teachers during the last decade...

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