
Saturday, December 30, 2017

How Accurate is MoCo Tower Committee Approval Process? They think Board of Ed. owns Fire Station?

The Montgomery County Transmission Facility Coordinating Group (Tower Committee) has just released their January 3, 2018, meeting agenda.

According to the Agenda, the Tower Committee will be approving without discussion a proposal to change the antennas on a monopole located at the fire station at 12100 Darnestown Road and owned by the "Board of Education of Montgomery County."

When did the Board of Education acquire a fire station?  According to the public land records for this location, the land is owned by Montgomery County, not the Board of Education.

How accurate is the rest of the Tower Committee's review of cell tower proposals for Montgomery County if they are not even clear on who owns fire station property? 
Answer: The Tower Committee review process is simply a rubber stamp and errors are frequently found in the submissions.   

How is the public to be notified of cell tower construction projects or changes if the only public notice is from a last minute Agenda that is not even proofread for accuracy?  

1 comment:

  1. This proposed tower is adjacent to the City of Gaithersburg's recently-approved and controversial Johnson Annexation.


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