
Monday, January 22, 2018

MCPS Parents: You Were WARNED and Now it is Your Reality. Teachers who were Convicted of Sexually Abusing Students or Assaulting Students are Having Their Convictions ERASED.

Last year, advocate Ellen Mugmon warned parents that the Maryland Justice Reinvestment Act would allow Sex Offenders to Expunge their recordsClick here to read her warning. 

The Maryland Justice Reinvestment Act had been passed in 2016, and took effect October 1, 2017.

In 2017, Maryland Senator Gail Bates (Carroll and Howard Counties) attempted to correct the section of the Justice Reinvestment Act that would allow sex offenders to expunge their records by introducing Senate Bill 774.

Vote to kill Bill that would have prevented
Sex Offenders from Expunging Their Convictions.
But Senator Bates' bill died in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee with the entire committee voting to kill the bill.  Included on the Committee that voted to kill the bill were Montgomery County Senators Susan Lee and William C. Smith. 

By killing the bill, these Senators allowed the Justice Reinvestment Act to become law on October 1st as written.  Thus, allowing sex offenders to have their records expunged.

And exactly as Ellen Mugmon predicted, former MCPS Meadow Hall Elementary School teacher Timothy Krupica has filed to have his conviction expunged.

In researching we have found three other Montgomery County teacher convictions from the last 4 years that no longer appear in the public court records.

One former MCPS teacher was even able to have his conviction expunged from the public records and his registration as a Sex Offender removed.

Krupica Petition for Expungement in court docket.


  1. Maryland Revolving Door Justice Act.

  2. "Nunc Pro Tunc" pig latin for "Now For Then"

  3. Progressive Democrats at work.

    1. At the end of day they are irresponsible parents,grandparents and relatives of children.

  4. Senator Lee and Smith did not vote against the bill, the motion was for a withdrawn bill. That was an action taken by the sponsor, at the request of Ellen. Please take down this page or correct the information as the author.

    1. So Senator Lee and Smith voted to withdraw the bill, along with all the other Senators shown on the voting record above. They voted to give the bill an UNFAVORABLE review and have it withdrawn. That's what the voting sheet says. Are you trying to say the voting sheet is a fraud?

      Bottom line is that the part of the Justice Reinvestment Act that allows KNOWN, CONVICTED SEX OFFENDERS TO EXPUNGE THEIR RECORDS WAS ALLOWED TO STAND!!! All these Senators sat there and let the law stand as they had written it and now 4 MCPS teachers who were convicted of crimes against children are allowed to have their records expunged!

      Missing from your anonymous "explanation" is any mention of keeping Maryland children safe from known sex offenders. We get that that is not your priority!

      And, who is "Ellen?" Readers are supposed to know how our legislature works? Is it not an open and transparent body or is it some sort of secret society run by someone named "Ellen?"

    2. So, this "Ellen" plays both ends against the middle?

    3. Is it meeting in the Inner Sanctum?

    4. Sounds like a strategic move by nefarious forces.

    5. "Secret Society"
      Does it stem back to Lord Baltimore's days?

    6. How does one apply for membership?

    7. It's about time Ellen became part of the legislature instead of apart of it.

    8. "The main problem is that you don't really know whom you can actually trust anymore." -Ellen

    9. The head clown tripped on the gown
      And then slid three levels down
      Saw a crack on the crystal crown
      And the smile morphed into a frown.

  5. Did any of the Senators read this?

    Sex offenders shouldn't be allowed to expunge their records

    ommentator Sean Kennedy bemoans the fact that the General Assembly authorized expungement of convictions for only 50 crimes in the Justice Reinvestment Act ("Redemption and rewards for felons," June 6).
    He does not delineate what these crimes are, nor does he mention the longstanding and common practice of plea-bargaining serious crimes. He also does not mention that these expungements undermine the efficacy of criminal history background check requirements for those who have access to or work with vulnerable children, the elderly and the disabled.

    Although a legislator who pushed these expungements had claimed that he had no interest in expunging sexually related crimes, somehow brothel owners and pimps who prostitute children and women were allowed the privilege of having their records expunged.
    More problematic is that those convicted of second-degree assault, despite having physically or sexually abused children, can now have their cases expunged.

    Expungement means complete obliteration of the record. Should an elementary school teacher who molested four of his young students have the right to completely obscure his criminal history because he was fortunate enough to be convicted of second-degree assault rather than of felony sex abuse charges because the prosecutor did not want to put the children through a trial?
    Why should he be allowed to pass a criminal history background check so that he can then get a job working with children in camps, schools and juvenile detention centers or adopt or foster a child without anyone being aware of his past criminal history?...

    1. It must be nice to be able to make a career out of doing nothing.

  6. Investigative journalism is a career that helps nearly every aspect of society. Ending child sexual abuse throughout MD's child care institutions has tremendous upside benefits. Within the educational system alone, it delivers positive outcomes across the board. It produces confident and well-rounded students free of affliction and stigma. It reduces health-care costs. It reduces suicide rates among the nation's youth. How many of this nation's endless list of "school shooters" were sexually abused?

    Anonymous of February 5th, if you don't like knowing about the facts on the ground, then take your Troll-like posts to another venue. Otherwise provide proof that what is presented here is wrong for the benefit of those whom want to end CSA within MCPS and the state of MD. What have you done to improve the outcome for children within MCPS?

    1. Can you be more specific on what comment you are referring to?

  7. If has gotten even worse:
    Teachers who were Convicted of Sexually Abusing Students or Assaulting Students are now Having Their Convictions VACATED!


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