
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Sexual misconduct in Annapolis? Women say it’s a hidden — but real — problem

...Instead, many women informally trade experiences and warnings with friends and trusted colleagues.
“There is this vague sense that you could go to legislative ethics or to the presiding officers or to (House Administrator) Barbara Oakes,” the former staffer said. “But if you are in the minority party, you aren’t getting in the speaker’s office.”
“Instead, everybody just warns everybody else,” she said. “Female staffers who are hired by more experienced female staffers get told ‘don’t go to that office alone.’ Everyone just warns everyone instead of dealing with the individual.”
#MeToo Maryland

Lawmakers and lobbyists in Maryland say they expect the issue of sexual harassment and misconduct borne of the #MeToo social media movement to be part of the 90-day legislative session that begins Jan. 10...
...In that story, Havard detailed her experiences as an intern covering the 2013 session, During that time, she said she was subject to harassment by three lawmakers  — a Republican and two Democrats...


  1. These are the same people we depend on to make our schools safe?

    1. Correct. So do not depend on them to keep your children safe in public schools. They have no intention of doing anything of the sort.

    2. Get The Word Out: Public Officials Are Self-Serving Bureaucrats!

  2. They'll keep the names confidential to protect them:


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