
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

These kinds of Victim Impact Statements have taken place in Mont. Co. courtrooms, except without cameras and even without the press.

Sexual assault victims confront former Olympic doctor Larry Nassar in court

An onslaught of victims, many of them tearful and with voices tinged with anger and determination, confronted former USA Olympic gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar in a Michigan courtroom Tuesday, telling him how he robbed them of their childhoods by using his position as a star physician to sexually assault them and scar them for life.
One by one, the victims stood at a podium in Ingram County Circuit Court in Lansing just feet from the man who molested them as children, some in front of their parents during medical examinations...


  1. Why the circus?
    This is NOT going to deter future predators.
    It is only boosting ABC News ratings.

    1. A. This is not a circus. How dare you use that term in regard to the statements of victims of sexual abuse. Do you live in Maryland? Are you a Democrat or Republican? Tell us about yourself so we can know who is this low.

      B. The victim impact statements tell the facts surrounding the incidents AND the fact surrounding what happened around the incidents. That is, the statements detail all of the people who KNEW ABOUT THE ABUSE AND COVERED IT UP. That is just what principals, administrators and superintendents have done in Montgomery County.

    2. Subjecting victims to public humiliation only discourages more from coming forward.

    3. @9:37 Are you paying attention? Victims are being honored for coming forward across the country.

    4. They are beating a dead horse.
      Once this dies down it will be forgotten.
      How are we going to prevent this recurring scourge?

    5. They are beating a dead horse.
      Once this dies down it will be forgotten.
      How are we going to prevent this recurring scourge?


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