
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

House & Senate Bill would not apply to situations such as where persons at the US Olympics Committee or Michigan State University were told of allegations by minor gymnasts that they had been abused by Dr. Larry Nassar, even if they had spoken directly to the gymnasts

More on why the Bill proposed in the Maryland House and Senate to create criminal penalties for administrators who fail to report the sexual abuse of students will actually be a virtually useless law. Is this Bill being proposed to actually protect children or just to make legislators "look" like they are doing something? 

Statement from Lynn McLain, 
Professor and Dean Joseph Curtis Faculty Fellow Emerita,
University of Baltimore School of Law

The definition in Maryland House Bill 500 of its "knowledge" element as requiring "actual knowledge" will restrict its application to only those highly rare cases where the State could prove that the mandated reporter actually witnessed the child abuse or neglect as it was being committed.


  1. Our elected scholars
    With intellect stellar
    Conceive legislation
    That eludes damnation.

  2. Virtually useless laws
    With inherent flaws
    Crafted by esquires
    To act like umpires


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