
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

National Organization Lobbies MoCo Delegates Ann Kaiser and Eric Luedtke House Bill 1110

Dear Chairwoman Kaiser and Delegate Luedtke,

I am a Maryland resident, and I urge you to vote in favor of HB1110, "Public Schools – Health and Safety Guidelines and Procedures – Digital Devices." 
I am very concerned about the health risks children face as a result of required digital device use in their public school curriculum. Research tells us it isn't healthy for kids to be glued to screens all day, even for educational purposes. Excessive screen time is linked to attention and hyperactivity disorders, social-emotional problems, sleep disturbances, and irregular sleep patterns.
When we send our kids to school, we should be confident that they will be protected in their classrooms, not put at risk. This bill will allow parents, educators, and health professionals to develop guidelines for device use that will protect children’s health.
Please pass HB1110.

Click Below for Petition:

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