
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Public Hearing on Regulations to Put Cell Towers in Front Yards #MontgomeryCounty

SIGN-UP TO TESTIFY ON Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 18-02!


Contrary to the “official line,” the Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 18-02 significantly reduces residents’ protections. It eliminates and waters down regulations that govern small and large cell towers, including regulations that keep antennas and towers out of our front yards and at safe distances from our homes.  

ZTA 18-02 shifts enormous power to the same agencies that have been catering to the wireless industry, failing to enforce the laws and regulations that protect the public, and betraying the public trust.

The public hearing is Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. On-line sign up is open!  

So immediately, please link to this portal; scroll down to the March 20th hearing for ZTA 18-02, Telecommunications Towers; and sign up before the list is closed: . You can also call 240-777-7803 to sign up by phone, but not until County offices are open, and it's possible the list will be full by then.

You will need to identify yourself as being “for” or “against” the ZTA. But you may be reading this ZTA for the first time, and you may not yet have formulated a clear position yet, pro or con

Historically, there have been times when the Council has deleted some speakers from the list, in an effort to balance those “for” with those “against” the legislation. There will likely be many more residents “against” the ZTA than “for” it, signed up to speak. So, if you are ambivalent about the ZTA, your opportunities to speak may be better if you identify yourself as “for.”
The industry helped design this ZTA. Please sign up, tonight. Our voices need to be heard, too! 

Remember the adage:
If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu.”


  1. This ZTA eliminates the property line setback that has restricted tall monopoles near neighborhood schools. It also removes the 3-foot size limit on "small cell" antennas and removes the 60-foot setback at which the "small cell" antennas have been required to be kept from single-family homes and duplexes.

  2. The absurd argument: Individual hardship for the collective good.


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parentscoalitionmc AT