
Monday, March 19, 2018

ABC7: “I think symbolically it’s important for me to go there after what happened.”


  1. OMG!!! Jack you still don't get it. It's not about the staff at the school. It's about the parents STUPID! Their children are at risk under YOUR watch. A telephone and watch will be the symbols of your short time as MCPS superintendent because you inexplicably chose to make a phone call to parents at the school instead of meeting with them immediately and you choose to "wait & watch" before taking action. You should be ashamed of yourself. You THINK that you are the smartest guy in the room. In reality you are the biggest moron in the room.

    1. The children are under the watch of the ELECTED Board of Education. Smith is their employee. Many Board memers are running again and one, Jill Ortman-Fouse, is now running for county council. Smith is just doing what his employers want.

  2. Superintedent Smith, what about the other 82 schools that have had staff arrested for sexual abuse of students? What symbol do you have for those schools?

    1. "DANGER Learn At Your Own RISK!"

  3. He ran away from the Cloverly parents at the Civic Federation meeting the other month.

    1. I wouldn't call what he did running. That implies it was some sort of athletic maneuver. Jack lacks the courage to face these parents. It shows that he does not care about the safety and security of students in MCPS. He is only at MCPS for the paycheck. He needs to resign.

    2. Well, in the latest maneuvering, he is going to meet with parents. Here is how the meeting is being structured. Only current parents at Cloverly can attend. As a former parent whose child had Vigna as a teacher, I am not being allowed to attend. For those who are being allowed to attend: You have to preregister. You have to provide your questions in advance, in writing. They are limiting the number of people who can come. The meeting is to discuss what will happen in the future, not what happened in the past. MCPS is setting the agenda and they will have a panel of speakers there. No media. No former parents. No one from the 82 schools who have had sex offenders in them. No experts. No witnesses. No unscripted questions. But, MCPS will loudly shout from the rooftops how responsive they are being, how open, how transparent, how they listen to "stakeholders".

    3. Described above is the maneuvering of a superintendent who only cares about his paycheck. I would write to your BOE member and the at-large members and ask why they approved this. Again, Jack thinks he is outsmarting you! Everyone in attendance should shout Jack down until he "runs" away again like the coward he is.

      Maybe someone at Cloverly will let you borrow their registration information so you can attend. Once you are in the door anything can happen right? Type a resignation letter and give it to him to sign on the spot!

    4. Public comments from a Cloverly parent at the 3/22/18 BOE meeting:$file/Sheila%20Stewart.pdf

    5. Cloverly parents want a pilot of just their school? Why? Will their children never go on to middle or high school where, by the way, there have also been MCPS staff removed, fired, arrested, convicted for sexual abuse of students?

      Cloverly parents, take a look at the list of schools impacted by these predators. A number of these schools have had MULTIPLE sexual predators, just like Cloverly.

      Cloverly parents, can you explain why your school has been more impacted than, for example, New Hampshire Estates where Lawrence Joynes was abusing students for decades (per State's Attorney)?

      Every single one of these cases is horrific and every single child in MCPS deserves IMMEDIATE attention from the Board of Education on this crisis. Their continued silence is leaving children in harms way and it is time for the Board of Education to address this crisis and do everything in their power to keep ALL children safe, not just those at one school.


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