
Monday, March 19, 2018

ABC7: Superintendent Dr. Smith says he will visit staff at Cloverly ES tomorrow


Replying to @ABC7Annalysa @MCPS
@A_mac_25   is this a typo?  Smith is going to visit staff tomorrow but parents have to wait til April for him to meet with you?


  1. This is Jack attempting to rewrite history. MCPS staff was required to take training on recognizing the signs of child abuse and neglect and also mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect. It was an extended version of the training a parent takes if they want to volunteer at their child's school. Here Jack tries to imply that it was the previous administration's fault for only doing compliance (reporting) training.

  2. I met personally (not alone, never alone) but face to face with Jack Smith, Andy Zuckerman and Josh Civins in December of 2016. I told Jack Smith that while he did not create this problem it was his now and he had a choice. To continue to cover up, mismanagement and enabling of our children to be abused when it can be prevented or to clean this mess up and come out the hero. Jack said they had a comprehensive plan in place etc etc. I said he was being misinformed by staff and he was not being told what was really happening which was the faulty implementation of bad policies and regs. I offered him years of data, documents and information. So, to the person who commented above. YES, YES, YES. This is now Jack's fault and responsibility. He had a choice to make when he took charge; The safety of our children or the reputation of the system. He is now seeing some of the consequences of his choice to protect the system. It's heartbreaking that our children are paying the price.

  3. A Top-Down purge is long overdue.


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