
Friday, March 23, 2018

Cloverly Parents want $$ for Pilot for More Safety and Security at their School

Public comment at March 22, 2018, Montgomery County Board of Education meeting:

Good afternoon, My name is Sheila Stewart and I am a proud parent of a 5th grader at Cloverly Elementary School and an incoming Kindergarten at the same school 2018-2019.
I am here today on behalf of myself and the group of concerned parents about the safety and security at our school, as well as at all Montgomery County Public Schools. At Cloverly Elementary School we had 3 arrest in the last 3 years in reference to sexual misconduct. My child was in the classroom with two of those sexual predators and indirect exposed to the other predator. Although, I am aware that this is a problem all over the county, state and nationwide it is having a truly terrible effect on the school and the community surrounding Cloverly.
Cloverly Elementary School is no longer seen as a great school as it once was when I was a child, or when my daughter started at that school.
On Monday, March 19th, a group of concerned parents came together for a Call to Action – entitled SOS – Save Our Schools. This Call to Action requested that superintendent Dr. Smith come to Cloverly Elementary School and Support our Students, Support our Staff and Support our School and Parent Community.
Dr. Smith graciously responded to our call immediately. He has meet with the staff at Clovery, the very next day and plans to meet with school parents on April 3rd, 2018. We are so happy to have his support. Now we are requesting your support.
We are requesting at our meeting with Dr. Smith a pilot program for recommendations for more safety and security at our school. It is our hope, that if we can create the right model so we can make all Montgomery County Public Schools safer in the future. We would love to have your commitment and funding to making Montgomery County Public Schools the model schools that they once were when I attended them. If our schools are safer and more secure, then we all can focus more on why we are here – Education.
We understand that the overall budget has been finalized for the upcoming year. However, we ask for flexibility in the budget in order to provide Cloverly Elementary School a pilot program for security and safety. It is our greatest hope if approved and implemented correctly our school can be the model for all Montgomery County Public Schools for security and safety.
Thank you for your time and consideration of our request. Sheila J. Stewart, Esq


  1. When doubts remain, just throw more money down the drain.

  2. This is really horrifying. There is no other word for it. Maybe depressing? I just can't believe people at that school are actually advocating for protecting the kids there and abandoning all the other kids in every single other school. A pilot program? A model? I'm asking a serious question, is this letter a joke? Because if it is real, this is one of the most disgusting things I've ever read. Run a pilot program to see if adding 10 minutes to recess for kindergartners causes a decrease in disruptive behavior. Run a pilot program to see if having a vegetable garden kids tend to increases their consumption of fresh produce. But a pilot program to see if they can save their kids from being molested while the children in 204 other schools are sexually abused? What in the name of all that's holy is wrong with these people? Furthermore, can someone who is not astoundingly ignorant represent them? All MCPS has to do is follow the law and implement recommendations already made. There. That's it. It really is that simple. A pilot program? If Smith agrees to this...if the BOE agrees to this, if this is allowed then every single person who signs off should be immediately criminally charged with child endangerment and investigated by CPS for neglect.

    1. "...should be immediately criminally charged with child endangerment and investigated by CPS for neglect." Wishful thinking.

    2. These parents have learned the Montgomery County lesson well: it's all about me.

  3. You lose all credibility by suggesting that those who sign off on a pilot program have committed a criminal act.

    1. @9:19 What would you call it when ADULTS IN POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY put CHILDREN in danger and allow them to be SEXUALLY ABUSED by MCPS STAFF? Do you call that being responsible? Doing a good deed? What exactly do you think is going on in Montgomery County Public Schools?


      See Catholic Church, Penn State etc... for other examples of institutions that intentionally allowed children to be sexually abused by adults in positions of authority who were part of those institutions.

      @9:19 Were you marching on Saturday for students? Bet you were. You marched to keep guns out of schools, BUT NOT PEDOPHILES. Please explain why you will march for students in other jurisdictions, but will not march for the children who are currently victims of your own local public school system.

  4. Anyone know which schools will be losing money so it goes to Cloverly for a 'pilot program?' And why on earth at this point does MCPS need a 'pilot' program to keep pedophiles from our schools.

  5. So MCPS is so behind the time it needs to have a 'pilot program' to keep pedophiles from our children.

    Can we get a concise definition of this term from the SAO?
    I have my doubts if they can articulate it in layman's terms.


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