
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

In MCPS Sexual Predators have Worked in 20 High Schools, 29 Middle Schools and 34 Elementary Schools

MCPS Middle and High Schools (highlighted)
 where sexual predators have worked in recent years. 
If your local school has a red dot next to it on the list below, then there has been a sexual predator that has been arrested, convicted or removed from working at the school.

Yesterday, Superintendent Jack R. Smith decided to focus on Cloverly Elementary School, but the reality is that sexual predators have been found to have worked at 83 Montgomery County Public Schools in recent years.

Known sexual predators have worked at 20 out of 25 high schools, 29 out of 40 middle schools and 34 out of 133 elementary schools.

Sexual predators in Montgomery County Public Schools is a system wide problem that has never been addressed by our elected Board of Education.  The Board of Education's failure to address this problem and put in place policies and procedures to keep children safe goes way beyond Cloverly Elementary School and extends to all parts of Montgomery County.

Once again we remind all parents that Urgent Changes Needed regarding MCPS and Child Abuse (read the recommendations at this link).


  1. This rivals the opioid epidemic.

  2. The leaders of our society
    Act with outmost propriety
    And gamble with the reality
    That triggers mass anxiety.

  3. I'll say it again and again until someone takes notice. There are NO background checks for teachers. Being fingerprinted and having the prints submitted for a criminal background check is NOT a background check. All it means is that the applicant has probably not been caught. Until MCPS starts investigating its applicants more and more pedophiles will come into the system.

    1. What you are saying is true. You may want to refrain from saying NO background checks as that will trigger a landslide of MCPS staff talking in circles and trying to bury you in paperwork because they do have "background" checks as they have chosen to understand them. Please recognize I agree with what you are saying and I agree you are right. It's just many will latch on to your word NO and never let go, because that is what they do. So....if you have been telling people the truth, and they aren't listening (how shocking!) here is more info for you: MCPS is not conducting the reference checks they tell people they are doing. Derek Turner admitted this in an interview w/ NBC 4. That's how someone who got fired in Florida for sexually abusing a student wound up teaching for MCPS for a year. 2 - MCPS only does a CPS check for Maryland and we all know there is no national database for CPS; so all the teachers who have just moved her from another state, all the ones who live in DC & VA, they have had MD checks. MCPS is not checking the state they live in or came from. Isn't that helpful? 3 - Jack Smith put a great new policy to catch people in place. Instead of running rechecks on current staff, he wrote a reg. they have to self report if they are caught for a crime so he can fire them. That works so well that when 2 teachers got got for dealing drugs in DC, MCPS only found out when the media told them....which reminds me, are those people still employed? To the poster above, keep speaking out. Please. We have strength in numbers and it will take all of us to get this to stop.

    2. You convinced me. When are you going apply for the job?

    3. I can't apply for a job they won't offer anyone (because if they had someone competent they would actually have to protect children) but even if I could, I have made a pinky swear with someone that I will never sell my soul to the devil for a paycheck.

    4. Along the same lines, supposedly we have a cadre of seasoned detectives in the SVID that come out in swarms after an incident. Why doesn't MCPS outsource the task to them?

    5. Because they are busy with their own cases. Doing background checks on teachers would mean that hundreds and hundreds of criminal cases would go uninvestigated.

  4. Don't worry guys Jack from Mayberry and deputy Barney Zuckerman will be right on this. Just as soon as they are done "watching" and "waiting".

    It's very difficult for a BOE to fire a superintendent. In fact, the local BOE can't. That decision is left up to the state BOE. Jack's failure to ensure that safety and security of MCPS students and his refusal to talk to parents impacted looks real bad for him.

    What we need to do is to start contacting the BOE on a daily basis and ask them why Jack won't do anything about this situation. Why won't he talk to parents? Why won't he take responsibility? Finally, what is the BOE going to do to MAKE Jack DO SOMETHING?

    1. The Board of Ed hired him and recently gave him a $15,000 raise which he said he hadn't asked for. It is not hard to fire him, but the current Board of Ed LOVES him. This is on the voters who repeatedly vote for these Board of Education members. Remember, remember in June and November.

  5. What kind of parents let their kids into these infested places?

  6. Our esteemed elected officials
    Have mastered natural adaptation
    Restless before each election
    Resting after in hybernation.

  7. Add Luxmanor Elementary School to this list. and thanks for posting the list.


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