
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Schools Could be Location for Cell Towers in Montgomery County under New Zoning Amendment

Don’t Let Antennas and Cell Poles Ruin Our Schools!
Fight to keep all residents, homes and neighborhoods protected.
Your participation was so important to our success in 2016, when we said NO to the County’s last Towers & Antennas Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA 16-05).
Unfortunately, the County has returned, this time with ZTA 18-02. And just like its predecessor, this ZTA was designed with and for the wireless industry, and not with or for residents).
We need your voice to be heard LOUD and CLEAR, if we are to beat back ZTA 18-02, a bill that threatens to erode protections for our safety, neighborhood aesthetics, and property values.
Please attend the Public Hearing on Tuesday night, March 20th.  Tell our Council Members that Montgomery County must put residents and our neighborhoods first.
We DO want a ZTA, but NOT this ZTA 18-02!
·         We want a ZTA that will not sacrifice our safety, neighborhood aesthetics, or property values;
·         We want a ZTA that will ensure transparency, proper notice of proposed facilities, and fair and proper consideration of our concerns in the application review process;
·         We want a ZTA that protects ALL residents, regardless of:
o   what part of the County they live in,
o   whether their utilities are above ground or underground, and
o   the type of dwelling they have;
Sure, a ZTA must accommodate the rights of the industry to provide wireless services.
But, we want a better ZTA; one that protects our rights, too – and requires wireless facilities to have the least possible adverse impacts on our neighborhoods! 
Please join your neighbors and friends at 7:30pm on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 to tell the County Council that you OPPOSE Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 18-02.
3rd Floor Hearing Room

Please let us know if you are attending. We need a head count. We really need folks to commit ahead of time. Please RSVP at to let us know you WILL be there.   
Free Parking is available after 6:00pm in the Council Office Building (COB) Garage.  Entrance is on E. Jefferson St. (Rt. 28) on the right just beforeintersection at Monroe Street.
This will likely be the ONLY public hearing on ZTA 18-02, so PLEASE attend!
Be sure to alert your friends and neighbors – and pass along this email.
More details can be found on the website.
Contact us with any questions at

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