
Sunday, April 8, 2018

@KathleenDumais1 SB132/HB500, contrary to proponents’ statements would not in fact give justice to the children victimized by Lawrence Joynes, Jose Pineda, John Vigna, Mark Yantos or Daniel Picca.

Oppose SB132/HB500

Crimes - Child Abuse and Neglect - Failure to Report

March 27, 2018

Written testimony respectfully submitted by

Jennifer Alvaro
Licensed Certified Social Worker – Clinical, MD
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, VA
Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider, VA
Clinical Member, ATSA

During the past 24 years, I have worked in the field of child sexual abuse; as a child protective services worker, sex offender therapist and also conducting prevention and mandated reporter trainings. Most recently, I have been advocating for changes in Maryland due to what I have learned in the past 6 years. And what I have learned in the past six years is for decades many, many, many mandated reporters in the Montgomery County Public School system and other systems across the state have violated the law by failing to report their suspicions of child abuse. This is not a baseless accusation or unfounded speculation. I say this because advocates and news media have documented proof via court testimony, MPIA requests, interviews and admissions in public meetings. Admissions made by mandated reporters showed that they knowingly chose not to report suspicions and knowledge of severe cases of abuse to authorities.

Disgracefully, Maryland is one of only two states in the country with no penalty for failure to report.
Because many mandated reporters have no fear of being held accountable for breaking the law, they
have, far too often sacrificed children to further abuse in order to protect themselves or the systems

That is why for the past six years, I have advocated strongly for adding criminal penalties for the
egregious cases of failure to report we have seen far too often in MCPS schools.

Heartbreakingly, I am submitting this testimony to OPPOSE this bill.​ This bill will not only fail to right a wrong, it will make things worse and more dangerous for children in Maryland.This bill’s use of actual knowledge and not including mandated reports of victims after they turn 18, will set safety for our children back, instead of moving it forward.

This bill, contrary to proponents’ statements would not in fact give justice to the children victimized by Lawrence Joynes, Jose Pineda, John Vigna, Mark Yantos or Daniel Picca. All MCPS teachers, all left in the classroom by MCPS officials who knew for a fact they were dangerous and had them on written “restrictions” to stop touching children.

For those reasons, I am dismayed to be forced to oppose this bill and urge you to issue
an unfavorable report.


  1. You are wasting your time and energy trying to persuade the intellectuals of Annapolis.

    1. Yes. They are bought and paid for by the Catholic Church and that is where they take their orders from. Netflix "The Keepers" series made that crystal clear.

    2. Also, they need to get their house in order first:

    3. Janis,

      In the interest of clarity, could you expound some on the allegations involving the Catholic Church? I do not have a Netflix account, nor do I care to. I would rather gather information from those I can speak with directly.

  2. It seems that we have to plead with the powerful who make laws to control the powerless.

  3. As long as the parents tolerate this behavior nothing will get done.

  4. As a result of these 'fine' human specimens, cell towers and artificial turfs the county's professional workforce will be burning the 'midnight oil' for years to come.


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